Friday, July 15, 2011

What my son taught me...

Everyday we have the same 24 hours; how some manage to maximize it is beyond me! I've been working on what my priority list should be...keeping ME in mind. One of the things that I've learned makes for a peaceful house for ME is SIMPLE organization. This past week I've been in the zone and have gutted most of my house, pantries, closets, name it. As satisfying as its been I almost missed out on some unexpected fun & teachable moments with my son. 

Here's two I'd love to share with you:

Today I was reorganizing my sock/underwear drawer. As I was throwing away socks that have worn out, Tater kept trying to get my attention by un-stacking my nicely folded clothes. I was almost done, however, he was really wanting to play. So, I took a couple of those socks and we made sock puppets. He really loved it and thought it was hilarious!!! It was a sweet moment seeing him mimic my hand gestures with his sock. Wish I had a picture! 

What I learned...enjoy the process! Matching socks isn't fun but taking a break and playing sock puppets made it fun! Also, I'm realizing more every day that what Chopper J and I do, our son will mimic. It's still a Selah (pause & reflect) moment. 

The other was last nights dinner. I had just finished hand scrubbing the was in bad shape after the "re-organizing tornado". Tater wasn't eating his dinner and super fussy (teething some molars). So, in a last ditch effort made him oatmeal. He didn't want me to help him with his spoon so I finally gave in and let him go for it. The below picture was a result. Messy! Messy! Messy! However, he was SO proud of himself and clapped when he was all done. He ate all the least what didn't get on his lap, shirt and floor. He went to bed a happy camper and it took less than two minutes to clean up after it. 

I need to let all of us explore, learn and create. We'll make messes but that's OK! Besides, pretty soon Tater will learn to clean up too! :) LOL

Tater wins the oatmeal challenge

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