Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dear Mr Time...I ignored you today and loved it!

What impressed me the most about this day is that I only looked at the clock once all day! In addition I am proud that I took my son on my own to the Bear Paw Festival,  it was a fun Mommy & Tater date!

We got to stroll through the vendors, try some southern mac n cheese and most importantly we enjoyed our first ride together in the Ferris Wheel. He did so great on the Ferris Wheel. He was required to walk up the steps in order to qualify to go on the ride and he did for the first time. He spent the whole time pointing and smiling! I was impressed!

I was able to enjoy some great visiting with a friend of mine I haven't seen for over a year. She has a very creative booth full of hand made items; mosaic mirrors, stuffed owls & glass creations. She inspired me to finish my own mirror I've been meaning to mosaic for awhile. I love creative people they seem to pull your creative juices to the surface!

On our way back to the car I was asked if I wanted a "spiritual reading". It was a local church who was looking to love and encourage people with God's thoughts for them. They gave little bud and I some very encouraging words. One in particular that I loved was that they saw Tater and God being best friends and having a lot of fun together...this has been one of the prayers I've prayed since he was a bun in the oven. 

Although I did take my camera, the battery died. So sad but hey I brought it...we have a step in the right direction. 

I'm finishing the day with a smile and with songs in my heart. 


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