Monday, July 11, 2011

Five Minute Ride Equals New World of Fun

Today I was in the organizing mode...which meant come dinner time I didn't want to do anything! So, Tater and I had a quick date at the sushi bar and then took Taku, our crazy...ball obsessed...OCD chocolate lab, to a new spot. Our Church has property a few miles from our house. We recently had an outdoor event so there was plenty of fresh grass to play on. 

My Highlights
  • It felt awesome to get's amazing what a small change of scenery does!
  • Tater walked almost the entire night. He kicked the soccer ball around with me and he loved smelling and then trying to replant the flowers. How sweet is that!!!
  • Taku has slept since we got back!
Here's some pictures...I BROUGHT MY CAMERA & IT WAS CHARGED!!! 



Tater & Taku

Tater took this picture of himself :)

Having Fun

Smelling the Flowers
Sweet Tater Hugs 

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