Saturday, July 9, 2011

Beginning the Blog Challenge

I'm sure I'm not alone with being driven towards a goal. I was constantly being driven and reach the vision before me. Only problem was, I was totally out of balance and I lost something huge...TODAY.

In my Papa's sweet way, He's been showing me how this has affected my health, my relationships and my faith. Isn't He just so faithful!

He challenged me to enjoy the moments, to turn aside, to listen more, to create, to try, to fail, to love, to take the land, to hug for 20 get the point. Not only that but document them for a year...Yikes! That is a challenge!!! I go!!!! I feel full of fun and adventure. Wondering what new tastes await me, mountains I might hike, dates I'll go on...

I will allow myself to be amazing me by being creative and unashamed to document this journey through art, pictures, songs and words. 

I accept this challenge and ask that you pray for me and cheer me on!!!
