Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Move over HGTV

Colors I like for my new room

I love to decorate my home!!! Some people paint, some dance, some play instruments...I LOVE furniture & home decor. 

Chopper J (code name for hubby) and I recently bought our new place. It's been a work in progress and I'll probably post before and after pictures as it's own post...however, most of our money is designated for important things like bathrooms and kitchen. 

So, when it came to our downstairs Rec Room I've been clueless. Here we have this HUGE room and we never use it. All we have in there is a futon, a paino and a previous built in desk and shelves that are not functional. Even empty it would be a great place to play with Nathan but I hate being down there because it's a catch all for storage and ugly. Not cozy at all! 

That is going to change because I am going to make it until a multi-functional retreat for the whole family! I have no idea how to do this but hey it will be a blast. 

Last week I scored my first essential purchase of a couch and papa chair off Craigslist. I love the blue/grey color and it is SUPER comfy. Today's treasure hunt to our local thrift stores landed me a lamp and a coffee table. Here's the before pictures...I'm planning on painting, using mod podge, glaze and who knows what else. 

Papa Chair 

$25 Coffee Table

Couch & Papa Chair - $300

Inspiration Art I've had for 8 years in storage

Lamp $4 & Mr. Moo my cat 

I can't wait to get started! I'm holding myself back so I can finish getting ready for my garage sale which will go towards the room makeover. 

I'd love ideas, comments, magazines, web sites anything you think would help. I'm totally open to ideas. 

*** Feelin like a design star ***


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