Thursday, July 21, 2011

Halibuts Evaded but Salmon was Caught

My family and I took a fishing trip to the Kenai and Homer this past week. We had an amazing time. We fished for Halibut out of Homer and although we enjoyed the beauty of being on the ocean the Halibut weren't biting. We then tried our hands at dip netting on the Kenai River. We were so blessed! We were able to get 55 sockeye salmon in about 4 hours of fishing!!! Tater did amazing through out the long hours and the new environments. This was the best family trip ever!!! We are so totally blessed to live in this amazing state...I love Alaska!

Mimi & Tater

We call him Spongebob when he's in his life vest! LOL!

Tater at the Homer Dock

Driftwood on the Homer Spit...I love this picture!

More driftwood on the Spit

Me on the Homer Spit...and my cute new hat! 

Papa & Tater while the ladies were shopping

Chopper J, Papa & Mimi getting ready to launch

Random fishing boat in Homer Harbor

Beautiful day in the water

Tater & Daddy on the Kenai River

Papa filleting the salmon in the back of the boat

Front of the boat, no place to stand except on fish

Chopper J filleting from the front

Staying up late trying to process all this fish with more to do!!! What a nice problem to have!

Friday, July 15, 2011

What my son taught me...

Everyday we have the same 24 hours; how some manage to maximize it is beyond me! I've been working on what my priority list should be...keeping ME in mind. One of the things that I've learned makes for a peaceful house for ME is SIMPLE organization. This past week I've been in the zone and have gutted most of my house, pantries, closets, name it. As satisfying as its been I almost missed out on some unexpected fun & teachable moments with my son. 

Here's two I'd love to share with you:

Today I was reorganizing my sock/underwear drawer. As I was throwing away socks that have worn out, Tater kept trying to get my attention by un-stacking my nicely folded clothes. I was almost done, however, he was really wanting to play. So, I took a couple of those socks and we made sock puppets. He really loved it and thought it was hilarious!!! It was a sweet moment seeing him mimic my hand gestures with his sock. Wish I had a picture! 

What I learned...enjoy the process! Matching socks isn't fun but taking a break and playing sock puppets made it fun! Also, I'm realizing more every day that what Chopper J and I do, our son will mimic. It's still a Selah (pause & reflect) moment. 

The other was last nights dinner. I had just finished hand scrubbing the was in bad shape after the "re-organizing tornado". Tater wasn't eating his dinner and super fussy (teething some molars). So, in a last ditch effort made him oatmeal. He didn't want me to help him with his spoon so I finally gave in and let him go for it. The below picture was a result. Messy! Messy! Messy! However, he was SO proud of himself and clapped when he was all done. He ate all the least what didn't get on his lap, shirt and floor. He went to bed a happy camper and it took less than two minutes to clean up after it. 

I need to let all of us explore, learn and create. We'll make messes but that's OK! Besides, pretty soon Tater will learn to clean up too! :) LOL

Tater wins the oatmeal challenge

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Move over HGTV

Colors I like for my new room

I love to decorate my home!!! Some people paint, some dance, some play instruments...I LOVE furniture & home decor. 

Chopper J (code name for hubby) and I recently bought our new place. It's been a work in progress and I'll probably post before and after pictures as it's own post...however, most of our money is designated for important things like bathrooms and kitchen. 

So, when it came to our downstairs Rec Room I've been clueless. Here we have this HUGE room and we never use it. All we have in there is a futon, a paino and a previous built in desk and shelves that are not functional. Even empty it would be a great place to play with Nathan but I hate being down there because it's a catch all for storage and ugly. Not cozy at all! 

That is going to change because I am going to make it until a multi-functional retreat for the whole family! I have no idea how to do this but hey it will be a blast. 

Last week I scored my first essential purchase of a couch and papa chair off Craigslist. I love the blue/grey color and it is SUPER comfy. Today's treasure hunt to our local thrift stores landed me a lamp and a coffee table. Here's the before pictures...I'm planning on painting, using mod podge, glaze and who knows what else. 

Papa Chair 

$25 Coffee Table

Couch & Papa Chair - $300

Inspiration Art I've had for 8 years in storage

Lamp $4 & Mr. Moo my cat 

I can't wait to get started! I'm holding myself back so I can finish getting ready for my garage sale which will go towards the room makeover. 

I'd love ideas, comments, magazines, web sites anything you think would help. I'm totally open to ideas. 

*** Feelin like a design star ***


Monday, July 11, 2011

Five Minute Ride Equals New World of Fun

Today I was in the organizing mode...which meant come dinner time I didn't want to do anything! So, Tater and I had a quick date at the sushi bar and then took Taku, our crazy...ball obsessed...OCD chocolate lab, to a new spot. Our Church has property a few miles from our house. We recently had an outdoor event so there was plenty of fresh grass to play on. 

My Highlights
  • It felt awesome to get's amazing what a small change of scenery does!
  • Tater walked almost the entire night. He kicked the soccer ball around with me and he loved smelling and then trying to replant the flowers. How sweet is that!!!
  • Taku has slept since we got back!
Here's some pictures...I BROUGHT MY CAMERA & IT WAS CHARGED!!! 



Tater & Taku

Tater took this picture of himself :)

Having Fun

Smelling the Flowers
Sweet Tater Hugs 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dear Mr Time...I ignored you today and loved it!

What impressed me the most about this day is that I only looked at the clock once all day! In addition I am proud that I took my son on my own to the Bear Paw Festival,  it was a fun Mommy & Tater date!

We got to stroll through the vendors, try some southern mac n cheese and most importantly we enjoyed our first ride together in the Ferris Wheel. He did so great on the Ferris Wheel. He was required to walk up the steps in order to qualify to go on the ride and he did for the first time. He spent the whole time pointing and smiling! I was impressed!

I was able to enjoy some great visiting with a friend of mine I haven't seen for over a year. She has a very creative booth full of hand made items; mosaic mirrors, stuffed owls & glass creations. She inspired me to finish my own mirror I've been meaning to mosaic for awhile. I love creative people they seem to pull your creative juices to the surface!

On our way back to the car I was asked if I wanted a "spiritual reading". It was a local church who was looking to love and encourage people with God's thoughts for them. They gave little bud and I some very encouraging words. One in particular that I loved was that they saw Tater and God being best friends and having a lot of fun together...this has been one of the prayers I've prayed since he was a bun in the oven. 

Although I did take my camera, the battery died. So sad but hey I brought it...we have a step in the right direction. 

I'm finishing the day with a smile and with songs in my heart. 


Beginning the Blog Challenge

I'm sure I'm not alone with being driven towards a goal. I was constantly being driven and reach the vision before me. Only problem was, I was totally out of balance and I lost something huge...TODAY.

In my Papa's sweet way, He's been showing me how this has affected my health, my relationships and my faith. Isn't He just so faithful!

He challenged me to enjoy the moments, to turn aside, to listen more, to create, to try, to fail, to love, to take the land, to hug for 20 get the point. Not only that but document them for a year...Yikes! That is a challenge!!! I go!!!! I feel full of fun and adventure. Wondering what new tastes await me, mountains I might hike, dates I'll go on...

I will allow myself to be amazing me by being creative and unashamed to document this journey through art, pictures, songs and words. 

I accept this challenge and ask that you pray for me and cheer me on!!!
