Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dime & Penny

It's so funny how coincidences pop up in life and for everyone their seems to be some unique theme at times. For me that happens with the number eleven.

All of my life the number 11 has popped out at me. Maybe it was because I was born on the 11th of March so it was familiar...I'm not sure but anyway it's been a common theme with me for as long as I can remember.

After I became a Christian I had a lot of dreams about the number and after getting an interpretation from a small group leader the number can mean; double portion blessing or transition. Which both could apply to almost every time the number came up for me.

So, it was such a nice surprise to start finding a dime and a penny together on the ground in random places. Each time I had this happen something incredible happened soon after. A huge blessing or a transition that turned into a huge blessing. God, also used this to confirm that I was on the right path.

For instance, the day that I realized I liked Gabe, we were on a group outing in Anchorage and I found a penny and dime when I got out of the car at the gas station, at the restaurant and somewhere else...don't recall where except that I know there was three of them. I was blown away! Another time was when I took a huge leap of faith and took a different job that paid significantly less than what I was making and we were going to my only income. My first day on the job I looked in the desk and besides a couple of pens there was a dime and a penny in the top drawer. That job with State Farm was one of the biggest blessings of my adult life thus far. In less than a year I made more than double what I started with and that's without bonuses.

Last week after much pondering and meditation on some priorities...I was walking to our car when I saw that beautiful pair of change on the ground right outside my door.  The Lord spoke to my heart instantly and encouraged me that I was on the right path and He was about ready to do something special in our life. 

This has been far more than random coin dropping coincidence...it's been encouraging! God can do whatever He wants to do and talk to me however He wants to talk to me...and if He wants to make me smile He knows that this sure does the trick! :) It also reminds me that as Isaiah 61 says, "Instead of our former shame we shall have a double portion and instead of dishonor we shall rejoice in our portion".

I'll take it and am super excited about what's around the corner!!!

With much anticipation and love, 


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